Francesco Palanza

Francesco Palanza

Francesco has worked as a chartered accountant and auditor since 2002. He is also a Technical Consultant to Judges at the Court of Turin.

He specialises in insolvency law and procedures for managing businesses in crisis, in the role of advisor and professional attestator, focusing on processes of arrangement with continuity, debt restructuring agreements under Articles 182-bis and 182-septies of the Bankruptcy Law and certified recovery plans.

He has also developed specific expertise in corporate administrative liability under Legislative Decree 231/2001, in the role of a Supervisory Board member and advising on the implementation and updating of Organisational Models.

His department oversees, among other things, due diligence activities in tax and accounting, compliance, also for supervised entities, and tax litigation.

He holds and has held positions as an auditor and supervisory body member for insurance, industrial and service companies, public sector subsidiaries, and the Chambers of Commerce.

English, French
